Top tips to lower cortisol and relieve stress

lower cortisol

To mitigate the adverse effects of prolonged stress and high cortisol levels, it’s essential to adopt a multifaceted approach that includes stress-reducing techniques, balanced lifestyle choices, and regular medical check-ups. Engaging in relaxation practices, maintaining a healthy diet, getting adequate sleep, and incorporating regular exercise into your routine can all contribute to managing with tips to lower cortisol levels and promote a more balanced stress response.

Tips to Lower Cortisol

Chronically high cortisol levels impair mood, memory, and immunity, says by MDs. They shared with Doctors, a diabetes and endocrinology specialist, how to lower cortisol levels.

Get some sleep

Doctors say that 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep each night will keep cortisol levels in check.

Eat Balanced

According to research, a balanced diet will help regulate cortisol. Be sure to eat foods high in vitamins and minerals, especially magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids.

Find out what is causing you stress

Doctors advises to find out what aspects of your life cause stress. By identifying your stressors, you can find ways to manage them and lower your cortisol levels.

Try meditation

Meditations trying the progressive muscle relaxation technique, which is a type of meditation that focuses attention on different parts of the body, from the head to the toes, to help relieve tension.

Try deep breathing

Doctor also suggests deep breathing exercises as another powerful technique for reducing cortisol and stress.

Spend time outdoors

Nature has many mental health benefits. Doctors recommend spending time outdoors as tips to lower cortisol levels and reduce stress.

Chat with people

Human connections and social support play a critical role in coping with stress and lowering cortisol.

Limit caffeine

Excessive caffeine intake can increase cortisol levels, explains by doctors. It is advisable to consume it in moderation.

Screen Time Management: 

Excessive screen time, particularly before bedtime, can disrupt the body’s sleep patterns and interfere with the regulation of cortisol levels. It’s advisable to establish clear boundaries for screen usage, especially during the evening hours. This allows your body to wind down naturally and supports healthy cortisol regulation, ultimately aiding in better sleep quality.

The Power of Social Connections:

Nurturing strong social connections and spending time with loved ones plays a significant role in stress management. Positive interactions and meaningful relationships can help alleviate feelings of stress and enhance emotional well-being. Cultivating social support can contribute to maintaining healthy cortisol levels and overall mental health. Relaxation 

Activities for Cortisol Control: 

Engaging in relaxation activities and pursuing hobbies that bring you joy can have a positive impact on cortisol levels. Creative pursuits, listening to music, spending time in nature, and similar activities promote relaxation and can help regulate stress hormone levels. These moments of relaxation contribute to a more balanced stress response.

Note! This content is for informational purposes only and will not be created to assist you like the doctors or for treatment, diagnosis, or medical conclusions. The publications in the guest lounge on the site are based on the latest relevant and evidence-based research in the field of medicine. If you need a diagnosis, medical advice, or treatment, see your doctor.

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